Wednesday, June 6, 2007

More waiting

So today is cd10. I had an u/s this morning and I was anticipating getting my injection following the u/s. Dr. S looked at the left ovary first. 3 large follicles found - one was definitely a little larger and looking like it would be the chosen one this month. I started to do a mental happy dance. Then he probe goes over to the right and the next thing I hear is "We have a problem".


Here's the scoop. Right side has a follicle that is 1.88mm and would be ready for Noravel tomorrow, but there is no damn fallopian tube on that side! Left side has one follicle that is 1.4mm and one that is 1.25mm. There is a small chance that the left side will kick in, so we will look at them again tomorrow. Dr. S. also cautioned me about the possibility of twins since there was more than one large follicle. I swear I think he has been talking to my mother. If the right one is still dominant, then we will do nothing again this month. Although, even though we would not do the IUI, I have still done a fair share of monitoring this month, clomid and u/s. Anyway, there was a brief discussion about removing most of my right ovary, so we don't have to deal with this situation in the future. I don't know how invasive is too invasive. If I decide to have the right ovary removed, this will be my 4th abdominal surgery in 3 years (1. C-section, 2. exploratory lap - removal of fallopian tube, 3. exploratory lap - HSG, 4. right oophorectomy). As hesitant as I am to have elective surgery again, I don't want to go through this process month after month only to find that my right ovary is a bully and won't let my left one have a turn.

I go in tomorrow at 8 am, so tonight I will be a little on edge. So what is the obvious thing to do when you are concerned and emotionally fragile about your fertility? Go to see a movie called "Knocked Up" of course! We have been planning on doing this for a week. We hardly EVER go to the movies anymore and we are actually splurging on a babysitter for tonight (MIL usually watches the little munchkin). I don't have the heart to tell C. that the idea of this movie makes me nervous. I'm hoping that it is as funny as I have heard and that it will be a nice distraction.

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