Thursday, June 7, 2007

It's like Christmas

I had a nice and early u/s this morning - 8 AM. I was totally expecting the left follicle(s) to have either not grown or decreased. And what to my wondering eyes should appear but two large follicles and eight tiny reindeer....oh wait a minute that's not right. The left side has one follicle measuring 1.93 and the one on the right is 2.08. Dr. S recommended that we "go for it". It's not the best situation, but considering I was expecting to go home with no further plan for this month - I am cautiously optimistic.

(Speaking of optimism, C. bought me a Life is Good shirt the other day that says "No sense being pessimistic, it wouldn't work anyway" -- LOVE it!).

So a quick shot in the ass and I was on my way with a medical condom, as sterile cup and Dr. S's pager number. We go back tomorrow at 6 pm for the IUI. I spent most of the day trying to find coverage for work tomorrow night. I think Dr. S is a little old fashioned (he is about 70 after all) and he wants me to go home and rest after the IUI. I don't know if that is standard practice, but hey, I'm not going to argue with taking a day (night) off of work. Unfortunately I practically had beg to get coverage, which meant I had to play the IUI sympathy card. I was going to try and keep this cycle low key, without too much publicity - but instead there are now at least 4-5 people at work that I have told directly about the plan, and I'm sure most of the department will find out one way or another.

My best friend (J) gave me some brilliant advice yesterday. She said that even though my mother is not as supportive as I want her to be during this time, it doesn't make us any less close. It sounds so simple, I know, but it was so good to hear. I am going to visit my parents next week, and I must say that I was harboring some resentment towards her. That resentment has mostly lifted and I am once again looking forward to the visit. People who have not had fertility issues cannot comprehend what this process means to me, and I cannot fault them for that. Looking back, when J was going through her fertility struggles, I'm sure that I was not there for her like I could be now.

I did some retail therapy today. Miracles of miracles - I found a bathing suit that didn't make me vomit when I tried it on....must be my day!

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