Monday, June 11, 2007

All for not

My stress about my mother's reaction was completely wasted. On the phone yesterday she had asked if I had my "procedure" and proceeded to ask very appropriate questions. Jump to today (I am now at my parents' house) and we had a long discussion about what IUI entailed and what kind of monitoring I am doing. At the end of the conversation I had said that I was relieved that she had brought up the topic because I thought that it was something we were not going to be able to talk about freely. She replied by saying that she "just didn't know anything about it". ------Whew.

Last night's debacle at work got worse when we had a 26 weeker who was bleeding and cramping come in followed by 2 patients in labor. That meant we had 3 babies in the nursery (Jane and John Doe plus a premie that was there for respiratory problems), one mother baby couplet, one of the mother's that was giving her baby up for adoption and two labor patients. Doesn't sound like a lot, but here is the kicker - we are only staffed with two RNs - no secretary, no LNAs....just the two of us. (Did I mention that we are a small hospital?). I left work late in the morning because I was still finishing up paperwork. Unfortunately that meant that my mini vaca was delayed. I went home to sleep for about 4.5 hours then got up and drove 4 hours to the Cape.

EVERYbody at work knows about my IUI on Friday. And the most common question- "When do you find out?" I'm glad I am able to get out of town for a few days, if nothing else to escape the questions. My temperature plummeted this morning - but that is also relatively normal for me. I have started to feel some twinges of my monthly pelvic pain. That seems to be on schedule with when I received the trigger injection (I usually get the pain 4-5 days after I have a positive OPK). But since we did the hCG this month, I ovulated about 4 days earlier than usual. All in all, I would be happier if the pain was completely gone - a sign for me that I am pregnant, but I'm trying to view this as a positive sign that it is coinciding with the forced ovulation. I'm looking for any kid of silver lining I can get.

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