Tuesday, June 12, 2007

5 dpiui

So much for my vacation taking my mind off the 2ww. My parents just took Z out for a walk and what do I do? I spent the entire time on twoweekwait.com reading post after post about other women's early pregnancy symptoms. What I couldn't stand was the comments like "we FINALLY got a BFP after 3 months of ttc". THREE months - give me a break! Really, some people just have no idea.

I saw that my blog is now linked on cyclesista.com - yay. Up until this point I think I have only had one reader (thanks J!). Anyway, I welcome comments, shared experiences and links to your fertility blogs. I should make one correction/clarification. I am listed under IUI/inj. But I am only receiving a trigger injection of hCG.

I did have an increase in temp this morning- yipee. But I have had absolutely no change in CM at all this month - unusual for me. I'm having some twinges on both sides- not sure if it is my adenomyosis starting to kick in or what. I'm not sleeping very well- but that could be because I am at my parents' house, which is on the small side. This morning I woke up to my daughter running down the hall to the bathroom yelling "I've gotta go POOP!" Now who could go back to sleep after that?

We will probably be heading to the beach or an indoor pool - depending on if the weather cooperates. It's not looking too good right now.


N7 said...

You have TWO readers! lol! i'm a lurker on your blog & found you through cyclesista...I'm on my 2ww also. Its IUI #2 with injectables.
And omggggg I NEVER knew about twoweekwait.com!!!!! Youve given me something fun to do for my last few days of waiting! Thanks!!!!!

waitingforanother said...

Make that THREE readers :)
twoweekwait.com is horribly addicting when you are in the 2www - I've spent way too much time there and on Fertility Friend analyzing and re-anlyzing everything.


Nearlydawn said...

Make that Four readers!!!

I've been following your story for quite a while chickie... :)

I just checked out 2ww.com as well - pretty addictive stuff. I'm just gonna step away...

I'm soon to be waiting too, assuming all goes well, huh?

Anonymous said...

Hi there, wanted to wish you luck this cycle, your daughter is a doll by the way :)

