Friday, June 15, 2007

Babies in the sky

I've been anticipating it for a few days now, and here it is: adenomyosis pain. It started late last night and woke me up off and on. It only lasts for about 15-20 minutes at a time, but can happen every hour for several hours. Sometimes it only strikes a few times a day, but other times it seems like I am in the fetal position with a hot water bottle for the majority of the day. Usually this goes on for a week. So far it hasn't been too frequent, but pretty intense. Since I am now in the 2ww, I hate to take anything for the pain - not that there is much that will help - but a Tylenol with codeine or an ambien to help me sleep certainly didn't hurt before we were ttc. I won't take anything now that will jeopardize or harm a potential pregnancy - so my bbf is my hot water bottle. Still no other symptoms, no tender bbs, no bleeding gums, no unusual fatigue....just a few lingering twinges here and there. I could say that I'm a little bloated - and I'm sure the potato chips had NOTHING to do with it.

We left the Cape around noon on Thurs, got stuck in traffic for a wicked accident and made it back home around 5. Then it was off to bed for a few hour nap and here I now sit at 4 am at work. No craziness happening tonight - thank goodness.

I wish I could say that the time away took my mind off the waiting and the analyzing every little twinge, but it didn't. On the drive home I gazed up into the sky and saw these beautiful puffy clouds. One might see a bunny or another woodland creature in the sky, but what is the first thing that I see - a baby. It struck me then and there how much this is on my mind. No real surprise I guess, I'm blogging, I'm reading blogs and I'm going onto websites like and Somehow seeing babies in the sky really shone a light on my obsession. Mind you, I don't plan on doing anything differently, I am just aware.

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