Monday, September 17, 2007

Sleep, I need sleep

Just a quick post, as I am off to bed after a very long weekend at work. I'm on day 3 of my clomid challenge. Last night I had such a monster headache (fatigue? clomid? stress?) I felt like I might puke. The only thing I could think of is that if I'm having a tough time with the 100 mg of clomid - what are gonadotropins going to do to me! I guess I'll jump off that bridge when/if we get there. I took 100 mg for three months a while ago, and I don't remember it having this effect so I'm hoping it was just emotional and physical stress versus pharmacological stress!

I wanted to submit my resume today, but I did not get a chance to finish updating it yet. Maybe tomorrow. I also had the mortifying thought that even though I apply for this job, I might not get it. Hmmmmm.....then what? And if I do start a new job, will I have to immediately asking for accommodations to my schedule for IVF? I read that the injections have to be taken at the same time each day within 30 minutes of the scheduled time. If I'm at work, it might be difficult to make that cut off time. I can just hear it now "I know you have the urge to push, but could you wait a minute while I go shoot up?"

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