Thursday, November 15, 2007

Job Offer

And so it begins....a new paragraph for my resume. I was offered the job on Tuesday. I actually have not officially accepted. I am waiting for some answers to a couple of questions that are not deal breakers by any means, but I just want clarification on. Orientation starts on January 21 and I plan on at least ten days between jobs. I have had a couple of people ask "Are you excited about the new job?" The answer is complicated. I am nervous about the new job. I guess I would be more excited if the job was actually what attracted me to the new hospital, but it wasn' was the insurance coverage. I'm sure that I will like it, I have heard only good things....but it really doesn't matter if I like it....the job will help us grow our family and ultimately that is what is most important to me.

When I came to work tonight there was an email about the benefits fair for the up coming year. As I will only be around for 11 days in the New Year - do I go? I guess I should, if nothing else to discontinue the dependent care and medical spending accounts through my current job.

*as I am doing spellcheck for this post, and nothing needs to be changed, I realize it is because I have not used IF abbreviations or obscure medical terms like's a post that anyone can read and actually understand! that doesn't happen very often.

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