Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cry baby

Yep, that's me. I really need to stop with all the crying when telling people that I have resigned. The crazy thing is that I am upset, and they are thrilled (not that I'm leaving, but that I will have the chance to do IVF). The support has been amazing.....except......

I made the announcement of my resignation at the end of staff meeting the other day. Then I answered a bunch of questions about the IVF plan. Cue the anecdotes and dreaded comments:

"I have a friend who decided to adopt then found out they were pregnant"
"Now that you've made the decision to change jobs, that is when you will get pregnant"
"What if you get pregnant before January, will you still leave?"
"Since you'll be working days, you'll get pregnant on your own"
"You just need to forget about it, that's when it will happen"
and my personal favorite "It will happen if it's meant to be"

STOP! I know that every person was well intentioned, so why do those comments sting so much? Maybe it is because they trivialize my plight. Giving advice for something that they know NOTHING about is not helpful.

I'm trying to be a better blogger....commenting more, lurking less. Family comes tomorrow for a few days. The house is finally clean, pantry is full of groceries, the Wii is hooked up and ready for play, guest beds all made up, now all I need is a couple hours of sleep then the mayhem that is Thanksgiving can begin. We are going to have another "White Thanksgiving" this year. There is already a couple of inches of snow on the ground, and we should be getting more.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, may you enjoy a tryptophan induced nap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the transition gets just a little bit easier, and the 'helpful' advice drops off soon. Wishing you a smooth last few weeks on the job!