Sunday, October 12, 2008


I have a couple of questions:

1. How long did it take you (yes, you) to recover from ER? I was told by my clinic that I should be out of work the day of the procedure (duh!) and the next day, then should be fine to go back to work the day after. I am now 4dpER and am just now feeling ok. I actually called out sick today because by the end of work yesterday it hurt to walk and sit. I started worrying about OHSS, but I have actually lost 2 lbs since ER and feel better today....maybe it is just because I spend my time at work (12 hours of it) walking or standing.

2. For those of you who are pregnant after IVF, did your body feel worse going through IVF or during early pregnancy?

3. What does your clinic prescribe for bedrest after ET? I've seen some people that are on 4 days of bedrest, my clinic okays going back to work the next day. If you are on long bedrest, what is the rational behind it?

I guess that is all for now. ET tomorrow morning at 9:45 EST.


bb said...

1 Technically I went back to work on Friday after ER on Wednesday, but I didn't do anything at work so it wsn't that big a deal.

2. The days immediately following ER were rough, and I was bloated until about 6 weeks. It slowly, slowly got better.

3. I was bedrest for 4 days. I know that is on the long (conservative) end of everything I heard re: bedrest. I never asked my RE about it, but I did what I was told. I didn't move from bed except to go to the bathroom and a quick shower for 3 days. On the 4th day, I moved to the sofa. I also had to lay on the table after ET for 30 minutes before I moved to the gurney, and I had to lay in the day surgery room for a while longer before I could get up to pee (not fun with a FULL bladder). All in all, I tried not to use my ab muscles at all. Easier said than done. Overall, I think my RE is probably old fashioned compared to others protocol after ET, but in my case, it all worked.

Good luck!!!!!! I'll be thinking and sending good vibes your way tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

1. I still felt a bit bad during transfer (3 days). I think I felt better about a week afterwards, but I was probably borderline OHSS (21 eggs retrieved), and was bloated for quite awhile.

2. IVF (and the after-effects) felt worse.

3. About a day of bedrest. I had transfer on a Saturday morning, went to church the next morning, but otherwise stayed on the couch. Went to work that Monday-- I was beginning to go stir crazy!

Good luck!

Jo said...

I went to work day after ER.. I just didn't lift or run amuck.

Hmm. I spotted on 2, cramped and was bloated for a few day. Had 21 eggs retrieved, and no ohss as I was prepared : ) I had a chemical that cycle, and didnt feel worse.
First IVF, stayed flat for 3 days.. Had ectopic and uterine preg, lost both (and half a tube), second cycle, got up the next day, just no lifting and took it easy. That one stuck and had a healthy boy.
I don't think they have any statistical data as every clinic is different. I also had 5dt everytime.
I think if you take it easy and do not push yourself you will be ok. Its not like they can "fall out" if you sneeze etc. I think so many people try to have the right answer about what to do.. stay flat, eat pineapple, and even heard about eating egg mccmuffins?!?!? It really is a carp shoot. If doctors had this all figured out, it would work for us all... Do stay away from hot tubs and baths though!

Best of luck to you !!!

I Believe in Miracles said...

1. I was told to take at least a day off. And it was important to take it easy.
2. No idea. Not here yet.
3. I was told not strick bed-rest, but no big activities and take it really easy. I think the idea behind it was to give the embryos time to implant. I was told at least 2 days.

Praying for your ET today.

I Believe in Miracles said...

For Random Reassurance Week, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your insight.