Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thanks to all who have continued to comment...although I have been such a bad blogger and commenter! Betas have been going well. Not doubling always, but certainly making the appropriate 66% jump in 48 hours. Here are the betas to date:

12dpo 18
14dpo 36
16dpo 87
20dpo 277
22dpo 511
24dpo 1437

It is hard not to compare previous cycles, which had higher numbers...but ultimately unsuccessful. I am now in a holding pattern until my ultrasound on Thursday. In the past they did a 5w6d us, this time it will be 6w2d. They are hoping to see a heartbeat at that time...and needless to say I do too. In the meantime, I'm very cautiously optimistic. It is difficult to enjoy any of the success so far, when I have come this far and been devastated. I have not proclaimed I'm pregnant...I usually say something like "well, there's something in there, I just don't know what yet". Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful to have even gotten this point, especially since I thought this whole cycle was going to be a bust.


bb said...

Hoping that all goes well on Thursday and fingers crossed that you see the little heartbeat. {{hugs}}

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Hooray for all of that doubling! I was worried when you didn't post for a while, but you've come back with a bang.

Best wishes on Thursday.

VA Blondie said...

I think I was cautiously optimistic for the bulk of my waiting. It just seemed safer to me.

Your numbers look great, though, and hopefully your ultrasound will be good, too.

Keeping fingers crossed for you!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you today.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, good luck, good luck, will be thinking of you.
